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Nonprofit Email Marketing

Email for when results matter

No monkey business. Just smart email marketing tools designed with your nonprofit's mission in mind.

Send highly relevant email messages and automate send times based on what you know about your audience – from recent website visits and ad clicks to custom data like membership status, event attendance, or lifetime giving.

"Feathr Email is just very effective. You can see what’s working, what’s not working, and what resonates with people based on what they’re clicking on and where the conversions are happening. It’s been such a game changer."
Olivia Kent

Japan-America Society of Washington, D.C.

Feathr | JASWD Email Campaign

E M A I L   S E G M E N T A T I O N

Let your data tell the story

Never guess again. Ensure your emails hit people's inboxes when they're ready to respond.

Feathr gives you insight into all the things your audience members are doing – ad clicks, page visits, social media activity, event registrations, donations – so you can send them the perfect message. Can your current email platform do that?


E M A I L   B U I L D E R   +   T E M P L A T E S

Stand out in their inbox

Quickly build high-performing emails using templates designed for nonprofits, or create your own with our easy-to-use email designer. 

Check out some of our most popular email templates.

Feathr | Email Templates
Email Automation

Optimize for results


Single sends

Send newsletters, event reminders, or donation requests to any predefined segment – and don’t be afraid to get creative.

Feathr | Single Send Email


Behavior-based emails

Catch people while they’re engaged with automated emails that trigger when someone takes an action.

Feathr | Behavior-based Emails


email marketing reports

Prove your marketing ROI


Track all the essentials – opens, click-through rates, bounces. Plus see conversions down to the cent so you know how many donations, registrations, or attendees a specific email drove.

Feathr-App-Reporting-2024 (1)
centralize your marketing

Do everything in one place


Feathr | Integrations

Personalized emails, simplified

Connect your CRM, AMS, or donor management software with Feathr, so you can send personalized emails based on recent donor activity, lifetime donation amount, event attendance, member status, course registrations, and more.


Run omnichannel marketing campaigns

Serve ads based on email engagement. Send emails to people who clicked an ad. Surrounding your people with cohesive messaging across channels will drive them to take action.

See How it works
Feathr | Omnichannel Marketing
Fly With Feathr

See how Feathr can work for you

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