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Inflight Briefing: 014

4 min read
Jan 4, 2023 9:49:12 AM
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Delivered weekly, the Inflight Briefing is designed as a blueprint for the builder and inspiration for the curious. It's for the purposeful (that's you!) doing marketing for good. 

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014: Hello 2023!

Will 2023 be your annus mirabilis? 

That’s Latin for “remarkable” or “wonderful year.” Merriam-Webster unsurprisingly chose this as the word of the day Sunday, and I’m sorry but you just ran into one of those few nerds who actually tries to drop them in casual conversation. 

What’s your intention for 2023? 

Mine? It’s a wonderful year built through intentionality, joy, and simplifying — and hopefully less remarkable than the past few … 

- william (1)
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Snackable snippets 

The future our grandchildren deserve  📖

Bill Gates hopes to remove himself from the list of world’s richest people. This would be an incredible example for other billionaires. And, it’s working. In his annual letter, Bill offers his thoughts on the year ahead, revealing wins and areas that still need work. It also includes where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plans to invest its resources to make the world a better place. The practice of public reflection and intention setting is something we can all learn from.

Learning from your community’s behaviors   🎧

There are a few ways to learn what your audience values. You can ask them directly through an email or with a survey. But the best way to see what your audience likes is to look at the data. Run meaningful tests and see what your community prefers. People may say they like one thing yet act another way 

The data tells the truth, and John Walsh shares his approach to data-driven learning during this conversation on Nonprofit Marketing Unplugged.

Making the most of an awesome team  📖

Many articles outline how to deal with difficult teammates or managers. What about relating to the all-stars? Managing allstars is a unique skill, and can create challenges for a team if not done well (see tips inside). 

The case for a 4-day workweek  🎥

Juliet Schor, professor of economics and sociology at Boston College, believes that the four-day workweek may be part of the solution for burnout and the climate crisis. This does not mean 40 hours crammed into four days or 80% pay. Those adopting this framework — including Feathr — are proving that a 4 day work week at 100% of the pay still outputs 100% (or more). Could less be the ticket to more in 2023?

How to build a stronger funnel for 2023  📖

Tobes knows marketing. And part of the trick of expanding your marketing funnel is getting back to the basics — first principles instead of leaning too heavily on what’s shiny (tech included) or “next.” Tobes breaks down the marketing products you can create to engage your community along each step of their journey from influencer campaigns to landing pages.


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In the news

Microsoft is going toe-to-toe with Facebook and Discord by offering a free version of Microsoft Teams for communities and groups. Why would someone choose Microsoft instead of sticking with the current lineup? Well, Microsoft is positioning its new offering as a platform for productive groups that need the tools to help them get things done. 

Everyone’s been talking about developments in AI, but not everyone is happy with the changes, especially artists in east Asia. The underlying question is how will artists compete with free alternatives, especially when they’re producing similar results.

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Something for your inspiration folder

One of my good friends, Cameron Outlaw, who’s joining next week’s REMIX panel, recently spoke with the We are for Good team about building partnerships for A Child’s Hope Foundation

In the podcast, Cameron said, “I don't think that you give dignity to people. You can only raise awareness that their dignity already exists. I as a person can't take away somebody's dignity, I can only champion it, or smudge it.”


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