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Inflight Briefing: 025

4 min read
Mar 30, 2023 11:12:45 AM
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Delivered weekly, the Inflight Briefing is designed as a blueprint for the builder and inspiration for the curious. It's for those doing good marketing

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025: Leveraging AI for Good

The AI conversation is still going strong. Some believe it’ll fix all our problems (maybe they didn’t quite go that far) while others are convinced it’s the beginning of the end (this might be taking some license too). 

For nonprofit charities and associations, leveraging AI could be a game changer as it will open doors for efficiency despite consistently limited staff and budgets in the sector.

We recently surveyed over 400 nonprofit marketers, leaders, and experts, and we weren’t surprised to hear their two biggest challenges: limited time and tight budgets.

There will never be a substitute for investing in marketing and getting the right person in the right role. But leveraging AI to streamline productivity will be an essential component of optimizing nonprofit marketing efforts in 2023.

- william (1)
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Snackable snippets 

Technology is Good 📖

We’re convinced that marketing is Good — that connecting people to purpose and community isn’t a sideshow for your organization but an essential part of the Good that you put into the world. And because we think that marketing is Good, we agree with this article that technology is Good, at least when it’s used by people like you to further their positive impact in the world.

How marketers can change their organizations for the better 🎧

We’re underway in season two of Feathr’s Good Marketing Unplugged podcast! And last week we had Robb Lee from ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership join us for an incredible conversation that included ideas on how marketing leaders can position themselves and their teams as change leaders within organizations. By approaching conversations strategically, offering unique perspectives unlocked by data, you have the opportunity to expand your team’s voice. And by focusing on answering organizational questions, you’ll be able to participate in the larger conversation, steering your organization toward sustained growth.

A ChatGPT crash course 📖

There are a lot of different AI platforms launching these days, but ChatGPT was the one that really kicked the whole conversation off, and it’s a good place to start for nonprofits that want to dip their toes into AI. We highly recommend testing out ChatGPT or a similar platform and seeing if it can streamline some of your team’s work processes. And CauseVox offers some practical tips for getting your feet wet. Come on in — the water’s fine!

An AI contrarian’s perspective 📖

As Good marketers, it’s important to ask the hard questions about AI too. Noam Chomsky may hold a critical view of AI, but many of his questions are worth considering. Although the need to produce and move forward may make philosophical speculation a luxury that’s hard to afford, we think it’s important to zoom out when possible and think about how AI either aligns with your organization’s mission or contradicts it. At least for now, a lot of that depends on the people using the technology, which is why we want more nonprofits leveraging AI for Good!

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In the news

Despite the fact that congress is still considering a ban on TikTok, marketers are doubling down on the platform. Although 60% of respondents in the Capterra survey believed that concerns over national security on the platform were justified, 87% maintained that the platform was still  viable as a long-term marketing channel.

Greenland is ahead of the curve by staying on daylight savings time forever. I wish someone would start a marketing campaign over here as this most recent leap forward put me back further than usual.

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Something for your inspiration folder

Colin Meloy, frontman of the Decemberists, recently used AI to help him write a song. It’s inspiring that AI has come this far this quickly, but it’s also inspiring that it’s not ready to replace any human songwriters anytime soon.



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