NonprofitsDiscover how we help nonprofits know, grow, and engage their audiences
AssociationsExplore how we help engage members, sponsors, and event attendees
Credit UnionsSee how we help drive applications and sign more accounts
Email MarketingEmail for when results matterDigital AdvertisingReach your people wherever they are onlineSocial AdvertisingTarget your warmest leads on social media
SegmentationCreate your perfect audience
Marketing AutomationMultichannel automation for nonprofits
Reporting & AnalyticsSee your results in real time
Google Ad GrantMaximize your paid search campaigns
IntegrationsEasily sync data from other platforms, including iMIS and Raiser's Edge NXT
Customer Success StoriesLearn how our customers are using Feathr to grow awareness, engagement, and impact
Articles & BlogsDigital marketing tips, tactics, and strategies
Ebooks & Guides Find the best digital marketing guides for your organization
Good Marketing BriefWeekly digest of marketing and leadership content
Good Marketing UnpluggedPodcast for cause- and mission-based nonprofits
Live Webinars & EventsWebinars, app training, panels, and eventsOn-Demand WebinarsRecorded learning sessions
State of Nonprofit Marketing Insights from 400+ nonprofit marketers and leaders