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Inflight Briefing: 038

3 min read
Jul 12, 2023 2:12:12 PM

Delivered weekly, the Inflight Briefing is designed as a blueprint for the builder and inspiration for the curious. It's for those doing good marketing

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038: How do you remember your best thoughts?

Creating the right content for your organization’s audience can be a challenge. It often feels like the best ideas come to mind over the weekend — while the computer and notepad are miles away.

How do you capture that lightning strike of a good idea? Sometimes creativity requires a bit of chaos, but to get an idea from a thunderbolt into a finished product requires a bit more organization.

The single most important way to ensure you remember the good ones? Put them all in one place: a physical notepad, a note on your phone, an app — and always have it on hand. 

- william (1)
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Snackable snippets 

 Capturing your best content ideas 📖

Everyone has a new app for taking notes, but the best notes you take are the ones you actually take. The main takeaway is to create consistency so that your future self knows where to look.

The limitations of optimism 📖

Optimism is great — Harvard’s Medical School says, “Over a 30-year period, optimism was linked to a better outcome on eight measures of physical and mental function and health.” That being said, building expectations off of your most ambitious dreams can lead to disappointing results, so maybe build a few guardrails for your optimism.

How to get your homepage visitors to act 🎥

Hubspot gives a tutorial on getting website visitors to convert. The basics: Your homepage is your most important marketing asset, so it needs to be clear and compelling. And it needs to lead visitors on a journey to the destination you have in mind. Next, include social proof. Make it clear that other people are onboard with your organization. If you want an even deeper diver on your website rebuild, here’s Hubspot’s longer guide.

Third-party vs. first-party data 📖

Information is power, so no matter how you get it, it’s worth it. But often the data you have about your supporters and members is better than what you could buy elsewhere. Also, you don’t have to pay for it because you earned it. Building strategies based on third-party data is good, but starting with the data you already own is even better.

In the news

TikTok is giving Amazon a run for its money. The social platform generated $20 billion during its recent shopping pilot. That’s a pretty successful pilot!

In even more social news, Threads has become the fastest growing social network of all time, signing up over 100 million users in just 5 days!

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Something for your inspiration folder

We may not yet be living in the Jetsons, but the first flying car has been approved by the FAA! Don’t expect to see one on the road anytime soon since the approvals only allow for exhibition, research, and development

But I can officially welcome you into the future. Flying cars are now a thing.


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