Feathr Taking Health and Wellness Break March 16th-20th
Hello All (Customers, Clients, Prospects, and Relations of all sorts),
My name is Aleksander Levental, and I'm the CEO and Co-Founder of Feathr.
In order to simplify the communication from all of us to all of you, I'd like to share that Feathr is going to be closed for operations this week (Monday March 16th through Friday March 20th), and give a bit of context so that other people at Feathr don't feel like they have to regurgitate my words.
As everyone ...in the world has experienced, the last couple of weeks have been confusing, frightening, stressful, damaging, etc. (choose your favorite scary word, I'm sure it will apply). As last week progressed, we started to experience ~75% of our scheduled calls / demos / meetings of various sorts being rescheduled or skipped. (For obvious and appropriate reasons - everyone is somewhere between distracted and in crisis management mode) In tandem, our state (Florida) started closing schools, school districts, prohibiting gatherings of certain sizes, and all of the other wonderful things everyone is currently experiencing.
Given the still overwhelming nature of uncertainty about everything, unpredictability of meeting and call attendance and effectiveness, and the overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety the whole world is dealing with - I made the call over the weekend to close the company this week. Therefore, you as customers and prospects may be receiving auto-responders via email, or phone numbers leading to voicemail unexpectedly. Hopefully this message clears up why and why that is happening so (relatively) abruptly.
I want to be clear about a few things. Firstly, nothing is happening to or with the company (... outside of the weird challenges and complexities that everyone is facing currently). Secondly, and relatedly, the purpose of this break is entirely to give our employees a better chance at getting some rest during what is almost certainly the early days of a very difficult period of time for our planet, our country, our industry, and our employees. Thirdly, I understand that by doing this it may invariably produce a little more stress for some of our customers due to the surprise and complexity of having to work around this break. That is unfortunate, and entirely unintentional. If I could give the whole world a break for a week, I would.
Finally, I'd like to say that we're entirely committed to doing everything we can to help each and every one of you over the coming weeks, months, and/or years. And it is in that vein that giving our team an opportunity to rest at the beginning of this, will (hopefully) help us be there for you throughout the coming months. There are still a tremendous amount of unknowns. As we learn more about the practical challenges our industry will face and how we can help, we will be energetic and vocal about our plans.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you wish to share any questions, comments, or feedback - feel free to reach me at aleksander@feathr.co
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